
Breathwork is the practice of breathing slowly with intention to create a sense of peace, and release frustration quickly. It benefits the heart, while revitalizing both body and mind to promote overall well-being. Breathwork effectively shifts emotional energy, converting negativity like anxiety, fear, stagnation, or anger into positive attributes like creativity, movement, clarity, and productivity. Conscious breathing stimulates healing by allowing the body to relax, leading to heightened clarity and problem-solving skills. 
We know the importance of having the right talent. Whether you need hospitality staff or creative individuals, our highly skilled professionals are sourced with your needs in mind, creating the perfect ambiance and lasting experience for your guests. Book your talent through Alicja Events!
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Embrace the journey towards a more confident and empowered you.

Having a successful event means ensuring a unique occasion that resonates with your guests, leaving them with a positive lasting impression.

Alicja Events offers a wide-range of highly skilled professionals including make-up artists, hair stylists, wardrobe stylists, photographers, videographers, hospitality staff, and models. Our talent are engaging, welcoming, knowledgable, and elevate any experience to make your event truly one-of-a-kind. Our team can book talent for you or digital packages can be sent in advance so you can make selections. Either way, you will feel confident knowing the you will have the best options.

We will provide you with the tools you need to build lasting self-esteem and live your life to its fullest potential.

Benefits of Confidence and Self-Esteem Coaching::

  • Enhanced Self-Awareness: Gain a deeper understanding of your personal strengths and areas for improvement, fostering a greater sense of self.
  • Improved Self-Acceptance: Learn to accept and appreciate yourself, flaws and all, leading to a more content and fulfilling life.
  • Greater Resilience: Develop the resilience to face challenges and setbacks without losing faith in your abilities.
  • Better Decision-Making: With increased confidence, make decisions that align more closely with your goals and values.
  • Enhanced Communication Skills: Communicate more effectively with others, expressing your thoughts and needs with clarity and confidence.
  • Positive Social Interactions: Build healthier relationships by interacting with others in a more assertive and positive manner.
  • Achievement of Personal and Professional Goals: Set and achieve ambitious goals with a newfound belief in your capabilities.

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Let's start building binge-worthy experiences for your customers